
FIFA World Cup is one of the most important events of the decade in Russia. We were extremely to contribute our professional skills to its organization by providing full event logistics for Qualifiers Draw that paved the way for all the World Cup participants.


Constantine Palace, Russian Museum, Manege

Our duties

Compehensive event logistics

Number of participants


For this purpose we used about 50 buses and 100 cars of a representative class. One of the most challenging tasks for us was careful and strict selection of drivers. We chose around 100 most polite and intelligent drivers with perfect knowledge of the city, distinguished by gentle yet efficient driving pattern.

Just like in football, we held a series of trainings with our drivers, following the most important routes of the upoming event before its guests landed the grounds of St. Petersburg.

We carefully verified each of the routes connecting transport hubs, hotels of the city, Constantine Palace, the Russian Museum and the Manege, planned and managed all the parking activities. Our dispatching unit kept their fingers on the pulse of the event 24/7, flexibly reacting to any operational changes.

The transport kept well with the complicated timing of the draw and allowed the guests to spend an amazing time in St. Petersburg.